Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Manicured hands: to make gel nails by yourself

french polish treatment
deluxe manicure in Australia

A well-kept nails completes the look of a woman with added sophistication or a sense of womanliness. With the right accessories, you do not need to go to a nail salon, but these finger gel nails can easily be made by yourself at home.

Well-kept nails can be done at home itself with the gel method. A few materials are needed. The UV light is necessary for the curing of the UV gel, a sanding block, cleaners, oil and nail files are also standard. Colors and decorative stones depend on the style that you want to achieve. Topcoat and a special sealant will eventually be used in the final result.

At the beginning of the nail gel method, the buffer is used to gently brush the nails. The foundation for a durable nail design is created. Then the cleaner is used. It disinfects and cleans the nail. If the nail is not long enough or does not have the desired shape, it can be lengthened by adding tips. These are fastened with nail glue, but are not essential for the modeling. With a pusher the cuticle is pushed back. Now comes the primer that is applied on the natural nail. This is the liability base for the gel. Now the builder is on the nail. It is applied in a thick layer as it is filed then matted. The gel is cured under the UV unit.

After filing now the decoration or the color gel is applied. This can be done with airbrush, stamping, rhinestones or nail tickers. The imagination knows no boundaries, so let your imagination guide you to achieve the look you want. Another layer of gel, the sealing gel, it protects the decoration. Irregularities in the gel are fixed by the buffer. At the end the top coat put on the nail. Nail Oil protects the skin against inflammation and nail with the file, the nails may be placed in final form.

Monday, May 2, 2011

What’s Wrong With Piercings?

Body Piercing
About seventy years ago it was thought that piercing of ears was not good for girls however in these days it has become conventional even in men. Men and women not only pierce their nose and ears but also other body parts like tongue, belly, chin etc. They do so to give themselves a unique look.

The use of jewelry especially the earrings were started about in the late 60s. The people of that time slightly changed themselves and considered themselves stylish as compared to their ancestors. However the males with earrings were not supposed to be good and the people started to say that “right is wrong while left is right.” This saying became common as the gay of that time was used of wearing earrings in the right ear. This statement was causing problems for them as they wanted such an account which could help them to determine the sex. To solve this problem they started to say “right is right while left is gay”. And for many years the people keep on saying this and the wearing of earrings in the left ear became a sign of males. This indication remained for years and years but not now. 

Male ear piercing was rare till early 80s however became ordinary in the late 80s and early 90s. It became usual when people started to like it but even then the male ear piercing was not liked by some people. They thought that it was a symbol of indecency. Showbiz has played a significant role to make it popular. When the people saw showbiz celebrities, idealized by many peoples, they tried to imitate them by wearing earrings. Finally, piercing got much popularity and acceptance even among the elite class. Now a days as people feel no danger in body modifications because of safe techniques which is much more than a hole in the ear. 

Although it is not accepted by all yet few people are still practicing this unique activity which includes tongue and muscle piercing and others like this. These modifications may be harmful for body parts therefore now people rarely think about it.

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