Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Chinese Drywall Testing to test the integrity of your drywall at home

chinese drywall testing
The year 2001 has been of stupendous importance for the construction industry. China had exported loads of Chinese drywall to USA to meet the high demands prevailing at that time. This drywall, although it sufficed for the shortage faced during the time, ultimately proved to be hazardous for homeowners who installed it. For instance, when exposed to intense humidity, the Chinese drywall breathed out toxic products like sulfuric compounds. More of a ‘reactive drywall’, the Chinese drywall has been a source of health and environmental hazard to millions of homeowners since then. And Chinese drywall Testing is the only way in which its presence can be detected.

Every homeowner must understand that a defective drywall needs a remediation. The heightened strontium levels in Chinese Drywall can be severely detrimental for health. XRF Chinese Drywall Testing technology is the best to analyze the presence of such a wall and combat its repercussions. Some homes, it has been seen, contain the defective drywall in only some rooms and some enclose 100% toxic drywall throughout the entire house. If you feel that health hazards associated with the release of sulfur compounds are invading the interiors of your house too, call for a Chinese Drywall Testing immediately.

Chinese Drywall Testing will reveal the problems that your Chinese drywall is breathing into your home. AC Failures are significantly more in houses facing this reactive drywall problem and decay of copper cooling coils are also notably more.

Chinese Drywall testing is non-invasive in nature. Experts visit the spot to obtain scrapes of drywall, adequate enough for laboratory analysis without creating extra incisions or wall openings. Any inspection would generate a detailed laboratory report certified by the authorities.

If you are living in a home constructed or renovated between 2001 and 2009 or setting out to buy one, make sure that you get it checked for Chinese drywall toxicity through experts.


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